Thursday, June 3, 2010

Aaron & Randi’s Evansville Wedding

Ah . . . the outdoor wedding; wonderful in concept, slightly trickier in reality. Rain loves to harass an outdoor wedding. But don’t fret, this here is no sad blog, this is a happy blog about an outdoor wedding that looked rain in the face and then made some real magic happen. Randi and Aaron are so laid back; they were probably the only ones who weren’t a little stressed over the weather. Did it rain? Yeah, it rained. Did it wait until the ceremony and bridals were over? Heck yeah it waited! And then one of Gods small miracles . . . a rainbow. It was the perfect wedding day gift for a much deserving couple. And if that isn’t a sweet story then we ask, what is? This beautiful fall ceremony was held at the Vanderburgh County 4H Center, Jill V from Simply Fresh handled all the beautiful flowers, The Cake Lady handled the sweets, and last but not least doing the knot tying was the best civil officiant you will ever work with, Pastor Jerry!

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Cathy said...

A rainbow!?! That's totally awesome. Looks like you got some great shots. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks you guys, that is really sweet! You two are amazing and we were so lucky to get to work with you!!!!
Love The Johnsons